Help Premier Rollout Awnings by Supporting the V Foundation
Since its formation, the V Foundation has awarded nearly $290 million in cancer research grants nationwide and has grown to become one of the premier supporters of cutting-edge cancer research.
100% of Direct Donations Go To Cancer Research & Programs
When it comes to cancer research, every penny counts. The V Foundation awards 100% of direct donations to cancer research and programs. The V Foundation’s endowment covers administrative expenses, ensuring that every penny donated funds research to create more successful treatments and to work toward finding cures.
How Cancer Research Helps
Treatment options and survival rates for cancer patients have improved significantly. Mortality rates from cancers such as lung, breast, prostate, colorectal, and melanoma have declined between 26% to 53% over the last 18+ years. This has been made possible thanks to breakthroughs in cancer research, finding better ways to detect and treat the disease.
But progress doesn’t happen overnight because cancer is complex. Researchers are continually developing better screening tools and learning more about prevention and early detection. Scientists are developing more targeted therapies that keep the whole patient healthier while zeroing in on the disease. While there aren’t cures yet, each breakthrough is one step closer to finding them. Donations make research possible, and it’s why every donation makes a difference.
How the V Foundation Helps
The V Foundation is committed to funding cancer research and to achieving Victory Over Cancer®. Learn more about our mission, the work we’ve done so far and how our generous donors and our endowment makes us one of the best charities to donate to.
For more information please visit the V Foundation website: https://www.v.org